Check out these smart tips to win when playing a human crane machine

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A lot exciting to play and even morethrilling to win is a human crane machine. However, if you have playedsuch a game before then you will know how difficult it can be to win a prizesometimes. An effective way to win these games is to study the crane machineproperly and plan a strategy accordingly. This increases your chances to make victoryyours!

So, before you walk towards a fun cranemachine next time, make sure you have gone through and memorized these tips givenbelow!

Tip #1

Take your friend along with you. Ask yourfriend to keep a close watch from the side and guide you when the crane isdirectly over the prize you are going after. This will prove to be helpful foryou as you will be able to move the crane into position as fast as possible andwill also be able to save your precious time.

Tip #2

Make sure to spend the first 15 seconds maneuveringthe crane over the prize. Immediately after putting the coin into the machine,start doing it. Do your best and try moving the crane into position on top ofthe prize as closely as you can.

Tip #3

Your last 5 seconds should be spent makinglittle adjustments to the crane’s position. See where it needs the appropriateadjustment and move the crane accordingly, so that it’s exactly over your prize.Be very careful while doing this as a little mistake can spoil the entirething, making the crane go completely out of position, for picking the desiredprize.

Tip #4

When you feel you are all set, then wasteno time and make the crane hit its target. Make sure to press the button thatlowers the crane to grab the prize. If your time runs out then the machine willmove the crane back and you will have to start it all over again.

Tip #5

If you didn’t get your prize then stay calmand repeat this process once again. Most people don’t get the prize on thefirst try, except a few lucky ones, but once you master the right techniquethen you can definitely win that cute Pikachu!

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Tag: human claw machine grab gift machine Claw Carnival Game Machine Big Crane Interactive games