The impact of AR interactive projection games on children entertainment
AR interactiveprojection croquet game is popular with people as the avant-garde of the newgeneration of parents' consumption concept. More and more parents pay attentionto the education of "emotional intelligence", "puzzle" and "education and fun".
The biggestdifference between the traditional children's playground and the puzzle-typechildren's paradise is that the traditional children's playground is not onlyfun to play, but the puzzle-type children's playground not only can play morefun, but also play knowledge and give children a good emotional education.platform. When you see through the projection that the polar bear is coming toyou to interact with you, you kicked it, it spoiled you with your spoiled, andyou will find that the smile game can cultivate good emotional intelligence andhabits. On the whole, whether in emotional management or behavioral norms, itwill be stronger than children in traditional paradise.
AR interactiveprojection croquet is different from traditional paradise. It can only providea place for children to play. Children can climb, roll, shake, jump, etc., andrelease their nature. Building blocks are just a simple form of assembly, butin the puzzle paradise, the building blocks are no longer just monotonous. Withthe various game scenes provided by Kydavr Interactive, different vehicles canbe created between the same blocks. With the development of the game plot, thereasonable adjustment of the position of the building blocks will create avariety of transportation networks.
In addition, theAR interactive projection croquet game realizes the form of multi-personinteraction, allowing children to learn to get along with others in the game;this interactive projection play is a new concept child integrating earlychildhood education, scientific popularization, and amusement consumption. Theeducational puzzle and amusement project integrates early childhood knowledgeinto new amusement equipment, stimulating children's enthusiasm forexploration, improving their learning ability and experiencing the fun ofinteraction.
In addition toimproving children's physical coordination, AR interacts with Ryukyu. It doesnot lose any other kind of exercise in releasing stress and maintaining balancebetween body and mind. Kydavr AR interactive croquet improves the diversity andplay ability of the trampoline. Not only do parents like it, but children alsolove to play!