What is AR interactive projection?

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AR (Augmented Reality): Augmented realityis a new human-computer interaction technology.

Augmented reality is a virtuar interactive projectional environmentthat uses computers to generate a realistic sense of sight, hearing, force,touch, and movement. Through various sensing devices, users are"immersed" into the environment, so that users can directly interactwith the environment naturally.

R combines virtual images and text messageswith real-life scenes.

AR interactive projection refers to thecombination of computer-generated virtual imaging and the real world to constructa virtual space that combines virtual and real. It applies virtual informationto the real world through computer technology, and the real environment andvirtual objects are superimposed on the same screen or space in real time andexist at the same time.

Through AR, animations, 3D models, videos,etc. can be interacted with the audience or users on the large screen. With therapid development of technology, augmented reality is no longer an unreachabletechnology. This interactive way of making virtual scenes more real is favoredby more and more enterprises, and is applied in various fields.

AR interactive projection, as the mostrepresentative form of human-computer interaction experience in the nextgeneration, is attracting great attention and investment from industry giantsincluding Microsoft with its unique charm of natural interaction.

The somatosensory replaces the touchscreen, and the CT images and data of the patient can be viewed in a sterileenvironment such as the operating room, realizing the true asepticization; somesomatosensory games are arranged to replace the boring machinery for thepatient's limb rehabilitation training.

Clothing is put on a "fittingmirror" in retail stores, bringing customers a virtual fitting experiencelike future technology.

Early childhood education upgrades some ofthe original multimedia education content into a form of somatosensoryinteraction, allowing children to fully "release their nature" andcultivate their self-confidence, expression and courage.

The large-screen interactive shoppingcenter and on-site marketing combine somatosensory with LED and LCD splicingscreens, as well as some fun interactive games, which can greatly attractpopularity and increase product attention.

The exhibition halls and exhibition halls(enterprises, real estate, etc.) interact with large-screen projections throughphysical sensations, and display the shocking effects in an elegant interactiveform. It is the best choice for introducing the company to customers, promotingproducts, and displaying innovation.

Tag: ar interactive projection ar games